Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Chamber Board of Directors

HOOD RIVER, OR - Applications are now available to all current Chamber members interested in applying for one of the three open positions on the Chamber Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Chamber of Commerce. The Board, elected by the membership, meets monthly and is on call to determine policy and carry out the normal duties of a governing body. It's a great way to become more involved in and provide input on HRCCC activities.

"My favorite part of being on the Board is the great people you meet," according to Ray Felton, current president of the HRCCC Board. "It really makes you appreciate what a great community we have here in Hood River County. It is an honor and a pleasure to be a part of it."

The Hood River County Chamber of Commerce will have 3 positions open on its Board of Directors for the 2008 - 2010 term. All Chamber members are eligible to apply. Applications are available at the Chamber office, 405 Portway Ave., in Hood River and must be received no later than 5PM on Wednesday, September 5th. Ballots will be mailed to voting members in September.


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